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Welcome to Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk: We Are Young
Around 3 thousand kilometers from Moscow – here you come to a totally different area. Tall pines and elegant birches, covering unending plains, wide rivers, among which Ob is the major one, friendly and independent people, speaking one of the classic dialects of the Russian language – all this is Siberia, famous for its white winters, traditions and hospitality. This article is dedicated to the heart of the region, its capital and Russia’s third-largest city – Novosibirsk.
Novosibirsk is also called “Russian Chicago” as it took originally small town only 69 years to gain its first million of citizens, which is a world record. It was founded in 1893 as a future transport hub due to the construction of the Trans – Siberian Railway. Since a railroad bridge across the Ob River was completed in 1897, the city has been continuously growing on the banks. The initiate name of the town was Novonikolayevsk, in honor both of Saint Nicholas and of the reigning Tsar Nicholas II.
After the October Revolution Novosibirsk gained independence from Tomsk Governorate, transforming into an administrative center itself. Under Stalin the city secured its place as the largest industrial center of Siberia, so during the Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945 the Siberian capital was one of the leading centers of the rear area. Factories, theatres, museums and archives of Moscow and Saint Petersburg were evacuated to Novosibirsk and their employees worked here to provide for the needs of the army together with the Siberians. Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association produced a substantial amount of strike-planes and bombers, top Soviet flying ace Alexander Pokryshkin was born in Novosibirsk and 4 first guard divisions were formed here. All this contributed to the evolution of the city, with its population becoming more cohesive in the sense that people realized they are responsible for their native town, which is unique und different from many others nearby.
Here and now
In 2017 Novosibirsk celebrated its 124th birthday. Although its history is, in its own fashion, glorious, that’s not what the city can boast of. In comparison with other Russian big cities it’s very young, but this youth has turned into its advantage. The city is developing so rampantly, that it reminds of a young adult (say, 20-24 y.o.), who is fresh, full of hopes, capable of everything and willing to change this world for the better. Novosibirsk has enough territory to build modern houses and business centers with only few historical buildings in the centers to preserve. It has all the technology to implement into everyday life and medicine thanks to many laboratories and research centers as well as investments. And, moreover (and more important), it has human resources: the city is pretty big and convenient with 7-8 state universities, so many Siberian youngsters prefer to stay here or come back, having graduated from other universities. According to the statistics, service sector is thriving (which is a rare thing for Russia): real estate development, small business (cafes, bookshops, bars, etc) and infrastructure are the main fields.
Foundation of the so-called Akademgorodok, a technological park, under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1957 opened a new chapter in the history of Novosibisk. Academician Mikhail Lavrentyev, the first Chairman of the Siberian Division of the Academy, played a prominent role in establishing this center and its development. He persuaded his colleagues from the leading Russian universities to come to Siberia and turn it into country’s most progressive scientific center with dozens of research and education facilities. Located in a small forest area on the bank of the artificially created Ob reservoir (known as the Ob Sea), 25 km from the main city, Akademgorodok is a peaceful place and a reason, why Novosibirsk is sometimes called “the city of scientists”. The center doesn’t lack foreign investments and venture founding: such corporations as Intel, IBM and Schlumberger have subdivisions here. Today’s Akademgorodok includes 35 research institutes, incubator center and a technological park, which are opened for interns from Novosibirk State University – region’s most prominent educational center with more than 7000 students.
City of the youth
One of Russian musicians, who once lived in Novosibirsk for a couple of years, was asked to write a song about the city, as there exist many, but none of them is outstanding enough to become an unofficial anthem. He failed and explained that Siberian capital is kind of always on the move, so if he were a photographer, all pictures would be blurred. Sure, opinions vary, but these words sound like truth. Novosibirsk might not be the city, where one would settle down. It’s a place to grow, to develop your skills, and accumulate your views and beliefs – only those who are ready for its pace enjoy living here. And stay forever young.

Main attractions
Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre
Russia’s largest and most technically advanced theatre, “Siberian Coliseum” was opened in 1945 to celebrate the victory over Nazis with famous opera “Ivan Susanin”, composed by M.Glinka. It dominates the ensemble of the Lenin Square in Novosibirsk, remains city’s most recognizable symbol and main attraction. Classic ballet and opera as well as contemporary performances are currently on stage.
Info and tickets (eng):
In 2017 Novosibirsk Zoo celebrates its 80th birthday. It’s one of the largest zoos in the country, situated in the forest area, which creates a healthy atmosphere for animals. There are more than 11 000 units of 756 species, including the first ever born liger – a cub of a lion and a tiger, which was born here in 2004. Dolphinarium, penguins center and entertainment facilities are also available.
Info (eng):
Drama Theaters
For Russian-speakers drama theaters of Novosibirsk are a great opportunity to enjoy this art in its classic “Russian style”. Some say, there is a rivalry between “Globus” (The Globe) and “Krasny Fakel” (The Red Torch), having different styles and sticking to different schools, but anyway worthy of visiting. The puppet show building is one of the architectural highlights of the city.
Novosibirsk State Museum of Local History and Nature
City’s main museum composed of several buildings and expositions. In the main building one can find the permanent exhibition, dedicated to local history, and several temporary ones. The natural science collection includes geological, paleontological, botanic and zoological items, among which there is a full skeleton of a mammoth.
Info (eng):
Additional: Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society, Novosibirsk State Art Museum (must-see: Roerich collection), Railway Technics Museum, wooden architecture, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, planetarium, etc.