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Russian Information Guide |Rus-a| Life Style| National Cuisine | Borscht Soup | Recipe
Borscht Recipe
Borscht is a very famous and popular red soup, which in our country and is often cooked in many Russian families. The recipes of borscht varies, but principle vegetable like beetroot and sour cream are always the main ingredients. Because of beetroot borsh always have its typical red color.

Ingredients (4 persons)
Meat broth - 2-3 liters
2 medium beetroots
2 carrots
1 onion
2 potatoes
1 white cabbage
3 pieces of garlic
1 tomato
1 table spoon of lemon juice
Salt, black pepper, parsley, dill to taste
First cook your meat broth. Basically you can use 500 grams of beef. To cook broth correctly after 30 minutes of boiling you should pour the boiling water and put inside of your pan 2-3 new liters of water and boil again for 1hour.
At the same time you start to prepare vegetables.
Peel and rinse carrots on large grater. Peel garlic, onion and tomato, сut them into small pieces and fry on low fire all vegetables together in sauce pan with sunflower oil. 5 minutes after peel and rinse beetroot, add beetroot to other frying vegetables. Add also 100 ml of pure water. Max time of vegetables on fire 30 minutes. 30 minutes after add these vegetables into your meat broth.
Peel cabbage and potatoes, cut cabbage into small pieces and potato into small cubes and add into your meat broth. Add lemon juice. After 15 minutes taste you broth. If potato is ready and soft, add all vegetables from second sauce pan (fried tomatoes, beetroots, carrots, onion and garlic) and cook everything for 15 minutes.
Taste once again, your borscht might be ok. Add sour cream, parsley, dill, salt and pepper to taste. It is also tasty to eat borscht with black bread.