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Russia and its boarders
In 2016 Russia has boarders with 18 countries. The longest boarder is with Kazahstan - over 7000 km and the shortest is with North Korea - only 17 km.
Here you can find the list of boardering countries. With Japan and USA Russia has water boarders. The shortest distance between Russian and US boarders is only a few miles.
Japan (water boarder)
North Korea
South Ossetia

Russia and UN
Russian is not only one of six official languages of the United Nations organization but it is also a permanent member of the Security Council, where decisions are taken unanimously. Sometime Russian Party uses its veto power. Since the beginning of this International Institute USSR and Russia use veto more than 90 times.

Russian language is one of the most popular languages in the world.
Over 270 million of people speak Russian all over the world. After English language it is the second popular language in Internet and 100 millions of people in different countries use Russian language as a second one.

Wedding rings & Russia
In Russia wedding rings people wear on right hands. Some Russians don't wear wedding rings at all. But that doesn't mean that they are not married. If this question is important for you it is better to ask.

Russia & resources
Russian Federation is one of three biggest oil and gas producers in the world. Average cost of oil production in Russia is only 13$ for one barrel. Everyday Russia exports 5m barrels. In 2015 Russia produced 418 billion cubic meters of gas. In the country there are over 7300 gas wells and 137 new gas fields are put into operation.
Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal is located in Russia and is the deepest lake in the world - 1642 meters. This lake has also world's biggest freshwater supplies - over 20000 cubic kilometers 20% of all fresh water on our planet. And it is also the oldest lake - 25 million years old. Hundreds of streams and rivers flow into this lake. Its length is 636 km. Baikal has 26 islands. Some of them are inhabited.

Cinema in Russia

Russian Cinema (History in brief)
Russian Cinema The first period (silent movie) Russian cinema is a unique and complicated phenomenon in the world cinema industry. Every step of the development of the Russian cinema has his owns specific. In this article we should try to represent the portrait of the cinema of Russia, directly the main ways of development and transformation of the Russian cinema industry. The cinema of Russia began in Russian Empire.
The first séances were exhibited in Moscow and St. Petersburg in May 1896. The film industry was brought to Russia by the French. Many Russian photographers pretty quickly mastered the technology; two years later began to emerge of their own works. Of course, at first they were a little documentary. Only 10 years, Russian filmmakers have managed to create the first film. Alexander Drankov in 1908 created the first motion picture, which was called «Stenka Razin».
Drankov Experience began to learn from other filmmakers, creating their own masterpieces. Many of them have become classics of Russian cinema. Among the first creators of Russian film was made by figures such as Yakov Protazanov («Queen of spades») and Eugene Bauer («Twilight of a women’s soul», «The dying swan») and many others. By 1910, the cinema of Russia functioned on a par with the cinema of West. There were quite a lot of movies in different genres – detective, melodrama, comedy, historical and military themes.
The first movie stars had become: Vera Kholodnaya, Ivan Mozzhukhin, Vladimir Maximov. Russian cinema found its face. One of the most important figure in Russian cinema, which were most known outside Russia, is Sergei Eisenstein, the author of the film «Battleship Potemkin», «October» and «Ivan the Terrible». Eisenstein had created large scale, massive movies about historical processes and about the relationship of a man and a government. Eisenstein had developed the theory of the montage, which used as Russian filmmakers and European and American filmmakers. This theory called the intellectual montage, which based on symbolic bonding of the episodes.
The second important name in first period of the cinema of Russia is Dziga Vertov and his movie «Man with a Movie Camera». There was an experiment with cinematographic forms. It was the movie without actors, scenario, decorates. The plot is about the one day of life of the city. Dziga Vertov had represented the anthropomorphic image of the city. The city had a heart and mind. This effect had achieved through special methods of filming, eccentrics episodes (for example, the scene of birth) and principles of montage. In 1931 in Russia had appeared the first sound movie «The start in life» by Nicolay Ekk.
This occurrence signaled the end of the silent movies in Russia and the beginning of the new wave of history of the cinema of Russia. The first period of the cinema of Russia is special and important time, because it was the period of formation of Russian movie: the birth of the individual style, innovation of the cinematic techniques and transformation from the ordinary documentary films to special forms of art.
By Evgenya Tokareva
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