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The Day of Saint Peter and Saint Fevronia
(Russian Saint Valentine’s Day)
The Day of Saint Peter and Saint Fevronia is Russian summer holiday – a symbol of love, family and faithfulness.
Saints Peter and Fevronia are the protectors of marriage, love fidelity and family. This day in the morning many Russians go to church, pray for love and family grace.
This holiday is based on the story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom (13th century). Duke Peter was seriously ill that no one healer could cure him. One day he had a dream that girl Fevronia will cure him.
When Fevronia came to Duke he fell in love with her. Unless she was a simple peasant girl she was very beautiful and wise. Sometime later Petr was cured and they got married.
When Petr came to throne and started to rule some nobles disliked Fevronia, because she was peasant and they didn’t want to be ruled by her. The nobles demanded duke to get rid of her. But Duke chose love, sacrificed his power and wealth and together with Fevronia went with her in exile.
Without duke Petr nobles began to fight and quarrel so they have decided to call back Peter and Fevronia. They came and ruled Murom long and happily. They died in one day as they asked god. Before death they told monks to bury them in one coffin, but monks separated them and placed in different tombs. City was surprised to find Petr and Fevronia next day together. Twice their bodies were separated and carried to the different churches, and twice they miraculously were found together.
Since that time Peter and Fevronia is the embodiment are truly Russian symbols of pure and strong love every year on 8 July many Russians celebrates this holiday. Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547.