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Moscow Information Guide |Rus-a| Buy Russian Souvenirs and Gifts
Where to buy Russia souvenirs and gifts in Moscow - most popular items
What souvenirs to buy in Moscow and Russia?
When you live and work in another country for many years or travel like a tourist it is always good to bring something with you, some souvenirs to present them to your family, friends, colleagues at work and to save something as a memory about Russia and your personal experience in our country.
Being native Russians we have selected for you most popular, traditional and good Russian souvenirs and gifts that you can acquire and take to your home.
Matryoshka doll
May be the most famous Russian souvenir.
Truly symbol of national handcraft. It is a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size which are placed one inside another. "Matryoshka" is a diminutive form from old Slavic Russian name "Matryona". Matryoshkas appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century. Traditional print of Matryoshka dolls is a woman, dressed in Russian national dress. As we have mentioned, Matryoshka is a set of several dolls and all of them follow the same theme. Themes may be very different from classical peasant women up to fairy tales motives and popular modern themes like the Russian Government, New Year and Christmas motives, Russian cities motives or some funny themes etc.
Wooden Lacquered Boxes
One more popular Russian souvenir – lacquer wooden Box with different traditional prints. In most cases such box is not big and prints reflect traditional Russian paintings like Russian winter, hunting, Russian folklore series.
Russian textile – Russian textile is famous across Russia and in other countries. We have special regions in our country which produces traditional handmade textile like the Ivanovo Region. Bedclothes, table clothes, laced napkins, shawls etc. It is good to acquire such items with traditional Russian ornaments which are always available.
Traditional Russian Wear
Valenki is traditional Russian winter footwear generally made of wool felt. You can read about them in this article (click here). It is a good present a good footwear for you if in your country you have cold winter seasons too. With Valenki it is also good to acquire some other items like pulovers, t-shirts and traditional dresses made from good natural materials with interesting national ornaments and prints.
Popular Russian broom for your household. We also have a special post dedicated to veniks so you can get more info. To learn more click here.
Khokhloma prints
Khokhloma is Russian handcraft wood painting with symbolic traditional national flowers ornament, with typical red, yellow and gold colors on a black background.
First Khokhloma ornaments appeared in 16-17th centuries. It is believed that Khokhloma takes place from Nizhny Novgorod Region and one of the trade villages which was located at that area. Khokhloma is famous for its original technique to make gold colors without using any original gold ingredients and liquid mixes.
Today Khokhloma designed objects are among most famous Russian souvenirs and many foreigners acquire them as a good memory about Russia, its life style and traditions. Spoons, cups, elements of furniture, today you can find this famous Russian ornament everywhere and it is truly one of the main informal art symbols of our country.
Gzhel Ceramics
Gzhel is traditional Russian ceramics and painting pattern as well with distinctive blue ornaments. It takes its origin from the Gzhel bush area, which unites over 25 small villages not far from Moscow. First Gzhel ceramics were mentioned in 18th century. In 19 Century dozens of factories started to produce pottery - different toys, pots, dishes, and other ceramic goods with typical blue paintings which soon became popular and famous across the country. Today Gzhel ceramics is famous all over the world as a symbol of Russia and its tradition handcrafts. It is good to buy Gzhel for souvenirs or gifts.
It is also interesting to know that in the middle of the 19th century Russian potters invented special technology to produce ceramics and porcelain as good as it was in England, China and in other popular countries, leaders of ceramic and porcelain production.
Shapka Ushanka
Shapka Ushanka (Ear Hat, «Ushi» in Russian mean ears) – traditional Russian hat basically made from fur (sheep, rabbits, beaver, fox, etc.) but today you can meet other materials as well. It has two special flaps two protect ears from wind and cold temperature. As usual we wear Ushankas at winter. In most Russian regions temperature in winter falls 20-30 or even more degrees Celsius below zero.
Hats with such flaps for ears appeared in Russia many centuries ago. But Ushanka as we know it today became popular only at the end of 19 century. Ushanka became a special symbol of the Soviet period and URSS epoch. It reflects Russian spirit, feelings of Russians, mix of comfort and style and something more. It is an integral part of our national soft power.
It is also a part of military and police uniform. Soviet soldiers were wearing Ushankas in early 30s of the 20th century. Basic colors are black and grey but today you can find some others such as red or white for example.
Ushankas are unisex either man or woman can wear Ushanka. It is a good souvenir gift or an item that every foreigner must have in his wardrobe. We advise not to buy Ushankas at tourist areas because at popular public areas they are two-three times expensive.
Russian Food
It is good to bring with you some traditional Russian food. Russian cuisine is amazing, delicious but there are also many eat and drink items that you can pick up and eat without any special cooking knowledge.
Red and black caviar – good to make toasts with white bread and butter and to add lemon to taste.
Black bread (Tchyorny Khleb) just to add to any kind of dishes you cook.
Gretchka – special grains you put in boil water for 15-20 minutes and then eat with butter, salt, meat and any other kind of ingredients to taste.
Traditional Russia Chocolate.
Russian Vodka – world famous alcohol beverage drink. Russia produces the best vodka in the world with hundreds of brands.
Kolbasa - dry sausage. Good to eat with toast bread.
Sgushyonka – condensed sugar milk and famous Russian dessert.
Gortchitsa – Russian traditional mustard, very spicy like Asian wasabi. It is also good to get another one famous Russian sauce named Khren, made on the base of horseradish.
Kvas – traditional Russian nonalcoholic sparkling drink made on the base of bread.
Semetchki – sunflower fried seeds. Good snacks. Attention you need to rind the and take away black peel.
Sukhari – breadcrumbs traditionally made from black bread, small pieces of fried and dried bread with different spices. You can also look for Baranki – round dry pieces of bread.
Where to buy Russian souvenirs and
national gifts
The easiest way is to visit traditional places of interest where many souvenir shops are located like Red Square or Arbat Street. Another one way is to look for in Russian web. Items there are twice cheaper and delivery services are also available. In most cases it is possible to give money to courier and not buy firstly at website. Russian food you can find in every food market.
Have a great time in Russia and buy truly good souvenirs.