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Demetrius Day in Russia
Slavic traditional holiday widely celebrated in ancient times. It falls on 8th November and is considered to an end point of autumn. This holiday was set in honor Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki a Christian martyr of the 4th century AD one of the most important Orthodox military saints who later in 11 century became a patron saint of the Russian Tsars’ Rurik dynasty.
In this day according to old traditions people ask Saint Demetrius for courage, patience and reconciliation.
This day is marking unofficial end of autumn (official 1 December) as Demetrius is bringing winter with him. In medieval times Slavic people used this date to pay for summer and autumn debts and to sign new household contracts.
According to this day Russians have a proverb « V Dmitriev Dyen’ Zima lуezet na plyetyen’» what means In Demetrius Day winter jumps on your fence.