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Russian Information Guide |Rus-a| Life Style| National Cuisine | Pirozhki
A plural derivative from a Russian word “pirozhok”, literally meaning “a small pie”, pirozhki in their classic version are backed pieces of yeast-containing dough stuffed with different fillings, depending on which, as well as on the size, pirozhki may serve as an appetizer, a main dish or even as a dessert. A couple of buns can be taken for work or be a to-go meal. Children never hesitate to ask for an extra one as far as sweet-based pirozhki are concerned.
Most popular fillings: meet (commonly beef), minced fish, mashed potatoes, eggs, mushrooms, cabbage, vegetables and greenery – savoury; all kinds of jams, berries, fruit (apples suit best), cottage cheese – sweet.

Ingredients (30-35 buns):
4 cups flour
11 gr active dry yeast (1 tablespoon)
2 tablespoons sugar
½ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter, melted
500 ml milk
1 egg
Place 150 ml milk into a bowl, stir in sugar and put in yeast. Leave for about 10 minutes, until foamy.
Place the remaining milk into another bowl; add butter, egg, salt and 1 cup flour. Mix. Stir in the yeast mixture. Start adding the remaining flour cup by cup, thoroughly mixing in, until dough doesn’t stick to your hands and to the bowl.
Cover the bowl loosely, put a towel onto it and set in a warm place for dough to rise. It usually takes an hour or so for it to almost triple in size. While waiting, get ready the filling (or listen to music).
When the dough is ready, put it onto a floured surface and form into long snakes about 2 inches wide. Cut into pieces and roll each into a ball. Flatten the ball with a hand or a rolling pin and put a tea- or tablespoon (depending on the size of a future “pirozhok”) of your filling in the middle. Pinch the edges together to seal in the filling.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Line one or two baking sheets with cooking paper. Place the pirozhki onto them, leaving room between them (they will grow). Bake for 20 min till golden brown (to make it more “golden”, brush pirozhki with beaten egg yolk beforehand).
Tipp: you can buy dough in a supermarket, if this recipe is difficult, and skip steps 1-3.