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Russian Information Guide |Rus-a| Life Style| National Cuisine | Russian Food - Kefir
Kefir is a fermented milk drink that was first mentioned in Caucasus Mountains. It is made on the base of cow or goat milk with the help of special kefir "grains" - yeasts which starts fermentation process. Kefir became popular in Russia at the end of 19th century.
One of the reasons is because together with its amazing and fresh taste Kefir was a good natural medicine. Kefir contains different bacteria and probiotics good for our health, ingestion and immune system functioning.
Kefir has more Calcium and vitamins A, D, E, K than in yogurts.
It was a special affair set by Russian elite and our Russian Doctors Union to persuade Caucuses’ leaders, who kept the recipe and magic Kefir grains in secret to share them with Russians. When finally we got the recipe and magic Kefir mushrooms, necessary for yeast, one of the most famous Moscow milk producers Nikolay Blandov started to make Kefir in Russia.
Russians like to drink Kefir in the mornings with breakfast or instead of breakfast if we hurry up for work and have no time to eat. Kefir is very nourishing and two cups will be enough not to think about food a few hours. Sometimes we add sugar to taste. Russian Kefir has different fat percentage: 1, 2,5 and 3,2. 1% is good for diuretic effect, while 3,2 % has more calcium and is more nutritious.
Some Kefirs have label «Bio» what means extra concentration of bifidobacteria necessary for our organisms. Average price for Kefir in Moscow is 1-2 dollars USD.