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Gretchka (Buckwheat)
Gretchka (Buckwheat) traditional Russian brown grains which we boil in water for 15-20 minutes and eat with different garnish butter or meat. We call it also Gretchnevaya Kasha or buckwheat porridge. According to FAO statistics since 19 century Russia is the leader in production and export of Gretchka all over the world.
For this very popular sort of grains we have over 1 800 000 hectares of our territories. Most territories are located at the Atay Region and in South Siberian part of the country.
Gretchka is very rich in iron and besides it is always very cheap. One kg of gretchka is around 1-2 dollars. From 1 kg of gretchka you can prepare good Gretchka porridge and dinner for 10 people.
The history of Gretchka has many different traditions, stories and legends. Gretchka appeared in Russia in 8 century and in other countries Gretchka was called Russian bread. We also have a proverb about Gretchka – «Gretchnevaya Kasha – Matushka Nasha, a Khlebets Rjanoy – Otets Rodnoy», what means «Buckweat is our Mother and Rye bread is our Dad».
We eat Gretchka as warm porridge but it is also good to cod it in the fridge and eat with milk in the morning, instead of cornflakes. We also add Gretchka in different soups and dishes to taste and to make them more nourishing. We also produce from Gretchka honey which is good to cure fevers and cold. From Gretchka special flour is also made which used in different noodles and pasts (usually have typical brown color). And what is more Gretchka is not allergic because it has no gluten at all.