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Russian Caviar
Russian Red or Black Caviar is one of true symbols of our country.
Red caviar is most popular and available, usually made from small eggs of ocean and river species of salmon. We eat this type of caviar with pancakes, toasts, boiled eggs and add to into some traditional salads.
As Black Caviar Red one is also associated with luxury way of life or some holidays like New Year for example or different important dates that we celebrate like birthdays or weddings. This because all kind of Caviar is not cheap and simple Russians can’t afford to eat the everyday.
Red Caviar has different sizes from 2 to 8 mm. Red Caviar is very good for health in small dozes and has rich content of micro elements, proteins, lecithin, vitamins A, D.
Black Caviar, also known as Beluga Caviar, consists of small Beluga fish eggs is traditionally served in Russia with toasts and butter. This type of caviar is most expensive in the world. 100 gr. in Moscow range from 70-100 dollars (3-4 toasts). One of Belugas traditional habitats is Caspian Sea (Russia is one of Caspian Sea bordering countries), but this kind of fish is also farmed in artificial special aqua areas.
In Russia we have around 10 special aqua factories where we produce Black Caviar. Black Caviar is rich for potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals and vitamins.
When Caviar is served both Red and Black it is good to eat it fast in the first hour, because later it will be dry and tasteless.