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Russian Information Guide |Rus-a| Life Style| Customs and Traditions | Koshey
Who is Koschey?
Koschey, Koschey Bessmertny or Koschey Immortal or Koschey the Deathless is a thin, unpleasant ugly looking and evil necromancer, old but with very good health usually one of the main enemies of Russian fairy tales good heroes. According to Russian legends, to kill him you need to find a special magic egg, where inside is hidden a silver needle. Egg supposed to be located inside the duck or in the chest which is always in the middle of nowhere and is extremely hard to find. We can defeat Koschei only of we find that silver needle and break it into two pieces.
Sometimes Koschey is a friend of Baba Yaga, sometimes not. It depends on the plot. They may be rivals or allies. In some stories Baba Yaga gives to a noble hero who is trying to free the territories of the kingdom from Koschey special magic ball of threads which spread and show the way to the egg.
Koschey is also notorious for kidnapping beautiful ladies of the kingdom and torturing them. Sometimes he even still brides before the altar. That is why many positive characters also want to find and stop him, save princesses and fall in love with them. Koschey may change weather and scary people with his voice.
All Russian fairy tales have happy end, so finally main hero after all adventures succeed to find Koschey, defeat him, save his love, marry her and live happily ever after.