It's all about Russia
Russian Information Guide |Rus-a| Life Style| Customs and Traditions |Banya (Sauna)
Bath traditions in Russia
Since long ago Russians often went to bathhouses. Today Russian Bath is already a lifestyle. XLLSWe go to bath in many cases - to communicate with friends, cure hangover or some diseases, to warm up after swimming or to relax after good sport training. We sincerely believe in the healing force of baths and it is true. Even some people built bathhouses in their resort and summer houses, da4as, family residences and even city flats. Banya is very good for health it cleans skin, helps to lose weight, cure many diseases.
Go to Bathhouse or how we call it in Russian Banya - is very old traditions one of the oldest Russian traditions. We strongly appreciate it. To receive invitation from your Russian same gender friend is a great honor and a sign a deep trust.

How Russian Bath house looks like. Actually as usual it consists of two - three rooms. There is one hot room called "Parnaya" (steam room), where there are a lot of hot vapor generated by natural fire system on woods or by special modern engine. This room is built of wood with wooden benches where you seat or lay. Another principal room is a relaxation zone with showers and sofas, probably with little swimming pool or huge reservoir with ice water.
When someone warms up enough, he leaves "Parnaya" and dips into cold water or takes contrast cold shower. The temperature at "Parnaya" usually is more than 80 degrees Celsius. In Russia in "Parnaya" people use special brooms made from trees brunches. They are called "Veniki". Most popular brooms are made from birches. "Veniks" are dipped into water and then smacked slightly all over the body. Sometimes in Bath house we call special Person he is called "Banshik". He helps bathhouse guests with "Venik" therapy. Sometimes we add some aroma oils from firs, spruces, pines, cedars and others to have positive effect on our respiration system.
As usual during the bath session we enter "Parnaya" 3-5 times, each time 15 minutes maximum. All other time we talk, drink beverages and enjoy our company. We can spend in Bath house 3-4 hours.
In Russia we have a proverb "The day you go to Bath house you don't age".