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New Year in Russia
New Year in Russia is the most expected and the most wanted holiday. First and foremost it’s because Russians have 10 days’ vacation. Most of people don't work and spend their free time with families and friends. Holiday starts 31 December and lasts till 9 January.
The Old Year ends 31 December at 23:59:59 with the speech of President of the country, who summarizes the results of the year, and with 12 strikes of Kuranty - National and world famous big clocks located at the Spasskaya Tower (Kremlin, Red Square).
New Year in its turn starts with incredibly beautiful and spectacular fireworks and mass night celebrations across the country.

New Year in Russia has three stages.
First one is a preparation stage. It starts in the beginning od December and Lasts till New Year eve - 31 December.
Russians prepare very seriously. They decorate their flats and houses with special newyear garlands, led lights, new year toys, ornamented glass balls, artificial snow etc. The most important New Year decoration is Christmass Tree. Not only Russian cities decorte their squares and streets with big and perfectly decorated firs. The majority of families in Russia also acqure Christmas trees on special winter baazars and decorate them carefully in their living areas.
Second stage - its New Year eve, New Year night and New Year day - 1 January. Its the main checkpont and the most important day during all holidays.
Third stage marks New Year Holidays from 1st to 9th January when Russians go to each other, give presents, attend different shows, festivals, concerts, visit places of interests, bars, restaurants, or travel to other countries.

Interesting facts about New year in Russia

During all period of this winter holidays Russians cook traditional dishes and watch many soviet films. Viewing od Soviet movies is also one of national traditions. Most popular films are
Moscow doesnt beleive tears (Moskva slezam ne verit)
The irony of fate, or enjoy Your bath (Ironia sud'bi ili s lyogkim parom)
Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession (Ivan Vassilievitch menyaet professiu)
The diamond arm (Brilliantovaya ruka)
Gentlemen of Fortune (Dzhentlmeny udachi) and others.
These films are mostly romantic or funny so most of Russians like to watch them.

During New Year shows and private parties where you can see Ded Moroz and Snegurochka these fairy guests bring to children presents, candies tell stories and play different games. According to Russian traditions first children repeat many times very loud name of Ded Moroz to help him find the way to their house.

Russian Santa Claus is named Ded Moroz (not to be confused with "dead", in Russian "ded" is grandfather and "moroz" it is frost, so in Russian Santa Claus is named Grandfather Frost). It also a funny old man usually accompanied with young and pretty assistant named Snegurochka.
First time both of them appeared in Russian folklore in 19th century. According to some legends Snegurochka is also a granddaughter to Ded Moroz. In some other stories she is the daughter of the snows or the daughter of the spring. Snegurochka helps Ded Moroz to communicate with children and to entertain them.
During New Year shows and private parties where you can see Ded Moroz and Snegurochka these fairy guests bring to children presents, candies tell stories and play different games. According to Russian traditions first children repeat many times very loud name of Ded Moroz to help him find the way to their house.

Russians like to decorate their houses, flats and Christmas trees with special ornaments and decorations. New Year toys and elements of design have various forms and colors from amazing glace balls to incredible garlands and led light constructions.
Most popular choices for decorations in Russia are glass balls, angels, fruits, spruce branches, candles etc. According to National traditions, while decorating Christmas tree it is a good sign to put a star or steeple on top of tree.
Russians reuse their New Year decorations. There is no strong need to buy them every year, may be just a few ornaments. Russians start decorating process in December and in some family’s winter holiday atmosphere and decorations may stay till the beginning of March.

Fireworks and pyrotechnics are an integral part of New Year celebration. Many families buy them and organize their own private fire shows outdoors.
Indoors Russians use Bengali lights (Bengalskie ogni) special long stick firework that gives beautiful colorful sparks.
Sometimes accidents occur because of breaking safety instructions and some Russians meet the first days of New Year in hospitals, so it is always important to always be alert.
Russians celebrate New Year 1 January only since the beginning of the 18th century, when Russian famous Tsar Peter the Great changed the date from the 1st of September.
Before Russian Revolution in 1918 the country used Julian calendar. Today time is powered by Gregorian Calendar and 13 more days were added. Russians like to celebrate two New Year’s according to Julian and Gregorian Calendars - 1st January officially and 14th January Symbolically with many concerts, shows and festivals.