It's all about Russia
Russian Information Guide |Rus-a| Life Style| National Cuisine | Kulebiaka
An amazing Russian pie with a great variety of fillings such as meat, mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, eggs and so forth has incredibly thin dough. It was described in works of the most popular Russian classic authors – Gogol, Turgenev, Guilyarovsky, Vyasemsky. All of them admired the deliciousness of the traditional Russian dish which has always been a symbol of Moscow.
Here we’ll show the step-by-step preparation of the classic kulebiaka.
fried mushrooms – 200 gr
fried kraut – 200 gr
plain flour – 2,5 cups
pressed ferments – 20 gr
refined oil – 3 table-spoons
an egg
sault – 1 pinch
water – 1 cup
Fill a basin with warm water; add pressed ferments, sugar substitutes at option and 2 flour cups. Mix everything; wait till the mass increases (12-17 mins).
Add into increased mass an egg, sault and oil. Make the mass smooth.
Add another 0,5 cups of flour. Make the mass smooth again. Wait 30 mins.
Knead the mass and wait another 20 mins.
Roll the mass into the square-cut shape. Visually separate it to 3 parts and make several little cuts on one of them.
Lay mushrooms on the middle part. Cover them with kraut.
Cover the filling with the side parts (the one with cuts is last).
Cover the surface with egg-mass and wait 20 mins.
Heat it in the oven for 27-30 mins at 180 Celsius.