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History of Moscow in brief
A Short History Of Moscow Foundation
Moscow is one of the largest cities in Russia, which was founded in the 12th century and subsequently united the whole country. Moscow became the capital in the 16th century and continues to be today.
Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky on the Borovitsky Hill at the confluence of two rivers –the Moscow River and Neglinnaya River. The advantageous geographical location of the city has become one of the main reasons for economic independence and political influence.
Historical settlement and the Foundation of Moscow
There is little information about the territory of modern Moscow before its construction. However, it is known that at the site of the present Cathedral of Christ the Savior, before the Foundation of Russia were Dyakovo settlement, who considered the first settlements on this land. Later, shortly before the emergence of the Russian state, Finno-Ugric tribes who lived along the shore in scattered hamlets chose these lands. Soon, there began to appear a Slavic village and villages of Vyatichi.
The exact date and even the age of the Foundation of Moscow are unknown; this question is still on the debate among historians. Scientists have put forward the theory that Moscow was founded in the 9th century by Knyaz’ Oleg. However, there is no conclusive evidence for this. A more commonly accepted version says that the city was built in the 12th century, but the exact month and year are unknown.
The first mention of Moscow appeared in Russian Chronicles, in 1147. During this period Kyiv was gradually losing its power. The Chronicle says about great Knyaz’ of Kiev, Yuri Dolgoruky who convened military Council and called Knyaz Svyatoslav Olegovich for conversation.The Council took place on the territory of future Moscow, as the annals called "Moscovy."
As for the exact date of Foundation of the city, there's a little confusion. According to one version, Yuri Dolgoruky, who commanded to build a wooden fortress and a city, founded Moscow in 1156. This version has been criticized because Knyaz’ was in Kiev at that time, and chronicle unclearly mentions his visits to Moscow lands. Another version claims that the laying of the fortress took place earlier, in 1153. There is also an opinion that Moscow was not founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, but by his son Andrew.
However, despite the disputes of scientists, it is assumed that Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow in 1147 (date mention in Chronicles). Since the exact date of founding is a mystery, the city day in Moscow is celebrated on the first Saturday of September.
Built in the 12th century, Moscow started to grow quickly. In the 16th century, it acquired the status of the capital, during the ruling of Ivan Grozny. In 1712, Moscow lost its capital status, giving it to St Petersburg, but after the revolution in 1918, it became the capital again.
The name of the city
The name of Moscow, like many other cities, is associated with the name of the river on which it stands. As for the name of the river, there are several versions of it. First, according to old Slavonic, "Moscow" comes from the word "Mosk" which has a dual meaning: "wet, moist" and "mind." The second version is connected with the Finno-Ugric tribes, which lived there. Moscow, in this case, is the result of combining several Mari words which mean "Bear" and "Mother."
The most common version today is that the word "Moscow" comes from the Komi language, meaning "Cow River."The river and villages, which lived on its banks, were called “Moscow.”