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Unity Day in Russia
Unity Day is also called Day of People’s Unit - Denʹ narodnogo yedinstva. It is a national holiday in Russia which is officially celebrated on the 4th of November. Historically it marks national uprising against Polish occupation forces in November 1612 (Moscow - Polish war).
This holiday symbolizes the idea that all classes of society unite together to preserve Russian statehood against serious external threat. Unity Day was celebrated during all the period of the Romanov Empire and was canceled only in Soviet epoch.
President Vladimir Putin reestablished the holiday. On November 4 Russians bring flowers to monuments of national heroes of Moscow Polish War - Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, leaders of popular uprising that saved capital from invaders.
Russians also go to churches to honor one of the most important Russian Orthodox icons Our Lady of Kazan (Kazanskaya Bogomater'). Some public and governmental personalities address to nation advocating for unity and cooperation of all ethnic and religious groups in Russia. 4 November is an official day off. During this day there are many concerts, shows and interesting events.